Current Core Offering






What is truth? And how do we know what is true and what is not? This Explore Core course will attempt to answer these questions from three different perspectives, history, philosophy, and biology. We sometimes hear that we live in a “post-truth” moment. Subject to an incessant bombardment of news and opinion, knowing anything for sure may appear to be impossible. And yet, at the same time, most of us instinctively know we cannot give up on the search for truth, most certainly not in college. We invite you to join the search and learn about approaches for finding truth in three different academic disciplines and in your own life.

Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30 - 3:45 PM

Enroll in any of the following for the same experience

  • Biology (BIO) 133
  • Liberal Studies (LBST) 133
  • Philosophy (PHIL) 133

    College of Humanities and Social Sciences
    How historians evaluate truth.
  • Philosophy

    College of Humanities and Social Sciences
    How philosophers evaluate truth.

    College of Engineering and Computer Science
    Truth in mathematics, physics, and engineering.
  • Biology

    College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    Truth in empirical sciences.


Meet Your Professors

All students enrolled will be taught by all three professors

jochen schenk

Dr. Jochen Schenk

kevin lambert

Dr. Kevin Lambert
Liberal Studies

andrew howat

Dr. Andrew Howat